Backup your files on any Android smartphones
Posted: 15 Apr 2017, 12:05pm - Saturday

Alright, I stumble with Huawei LYO-L02 model which very primitive model and can't even get a support on it. If you plug to your PC, nothing happens. You cannot access the internal storage. So the question is how do I backup the contents of my phone? Here's the simple steps:

  1. Install an App in your phone called "SSHD"
    • after installing, create a server and set the port then add a user
    • start the server or SSHD
    • once started, it will show the IP address where your SSHD can be connected
  2. Then in your Desktop computer or laptop (PC/Mac) , install FileZilla
  3. Remember, your phone and computer should be connected to the same WiFi or network.
  4. Open your FileZilla, go to site manager and add new site
  5. Enter the IP address provided in step 1 then port, username and password.
  6. On protocol, select SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) then connect
  7. After connecting, it will give an error like cannot read directory because its reading to "/" root directory. In Android, the default storage of the files will be "/storage/" so just change the address bar on Filezilla and press enter and this will show you few directories.
  8. Just find the folder you want to backup and drag to your computer.
  9. Wallah! You just backup your smartphone files.