Planet Gliese 581g
Posted: 2 Oct 2010, 20:22pm - Saturday

Since I was a kid, I dream to be part of interstellar exploration... And now a new planet has been found and called Planet Gliese 581g, the feeling being part of the exploration team is tinkling my thoughts again... If ever there's a advanced space craft will be built for the voyage to Planet Gliese 581g, I wish I could join the team as Water boy or Decoy for Alien Monsters. Bwuahahaha.. Distance is 20 light years and 1.17569996 × 1014 in miles. Whoah! That is so far! I will miss my dogs badly by that time reached in Planet Gliese 581g.. bwuahhahaha...

Hey NASA, let me join in to your team... :) Reference: